Speedway-Moose-500 Lodge Website

Hours of Operation

Monday-Saturday Open at 4 PM
Sunday Open at Noon

Weekly Events


Bingo Warm-ups 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Bingo- Regular Games Begin at 2:30 PM

Bingo- Regular Games Begin at 6:30 PM

Bingo – Warm-ups 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Bingo- Regular Games Begin at 6:30 PM


Mondays & Wednesdays

6:30 PM – 10:00 PM

Upcoming Events

Calendar of Events

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Need a New Year’s Resolution? Try this one; Be kind to everyone and treat them as you would want someone to treat you. If we all can be kinder and complement people more often the world would be a better place. After all no one wants to be around a person who constantly complains, because no one wants to be around constant negative energy. People are more drawn to good times and positive energy.

Semper Fidelis,

Greg Sain – Brother and Administrator

I would like all those who volunteered and helped out for our two charity rides these past two months. We will still need help on our Labor Day picnic and for our 10K bingo. If you are willing to help, just see me.


Your President Jeff Doss

Hello Ladies, Welcome Back!

Well, we have started a new moose year and hopefully this will be the best one we’ve had in a while. Our meetings are now held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 PM. Our new officers are Sr. Regent LaWanna Sain, Secretary Pam Ferrentino, and Treasurer Lynnlee Grissom. If you have any questions on what we are doing, or how you can help, feel free to ask any of us. Remember the only bad question is the one not asked. There have been many questions about dues. First off, you must be a lodge member before you can become a Women of the Moose. Lodge annual dues are $60 dollars. Chapter Membership dues are an additional $15.00 per year. (When paying your lodge dues please remember to pay your Chapter dues as well.) That additional $15 goes a long way in helping those in need. Did you know $10 of that $15 is applied to supporting Mooseheart School Girls & Boys Athletics, the Music Department and many more Mooseheart activities? At Moosehaven we help with the Pharmacy, Dental, Hearing and Vision Exams, along with the Beauty and Barber Shop Services. So little does so much. If you’re not a Women of the Moose Member please consider in becoming a helping partner in our cause and join today. Just see me or any other member of the Women of the Moose and we will gladly explain in how you can become a member and make a difference.


Sr. Regent LaWanna Sain


A Big Thank You to all the volunteers who helped last month with decorating the lodge for Christmas, the Wayne Twp Trustee’s kids Christmas Party, and our Lodge’s kid’s Christmas Party. Everything was a big success.

The Lodge and Chapter elections will be coming up soon. Chapter 518 will be opening nominations begin January 19th for the positions Senior Regent, Secretary and Treasurer. Nomination forms will be in the lobby and need to be turned in to LaWanna Sain, Lynnlee Grissom or Pam Ferrentino.


Our Lodge nominations and elections are coming soon as well. Self-nominations will begin February 23rd.  To be eligible to run for office the male or female candidate must be a member of the Moose Legion or a Moose Chapter member. For the office of President you must have held an elected officer position in the lodge for one complete year. For the office of Vice-President and Chaplain you must have been a member of the lodge for at least 6 months. For the position of Treasurer and Trustee you must be in good standing with the lodge. All elected officers must have completed the Lodge Leadership training class within three years from taking office or complete the training within 90 days of taking office. Positions that will be coming up for elections this year is President, Vice President, Treasurer, Chaplin, and 3 Year Trustee. If you should have any questions about eligibility or the office duties please see our Administrator Greg Sain.


FYI – If the Lodge would have to close due to weather this winter; we will place a notice of the closing on WTHR Channel 13, WISH-TV Channel 8, and WXIN Fox 59 television stations.

Valentines Date Night

Saturday February 15th will be our Valentine Date Night. We will offer a steak fillet and shrimp skewer as our dinner special. Ladies will receive a flower and men shall receive some chocolates.

Moose Links